Triplex, the workhorse
Home of the Triples, Portosin, Galicia, Spain
This incredible tool was created, and then patented by Alfredo Piniero Perez in 2003. Alfredo is from the port of Portosin, in Galicia, Spain.
His hands on approach and closeness with the fishermen have earned him an almost complete dominance of the Spanish market. He travels from port to port in his camper van, often provided with plug in power by the harbormaster at each stop.
I first came across these Triplex net haulers on my trips out fishing on Spanish and French seiners. The incredibly even powerful pull and traction was obvious to me. It was also clear the top captains always had ‘the’ Triplex.
The logic of three independently driven, large rubber rollers for giving superior traction when hauling a net is obvious.
3 Charlynn Motors, 300cc to 400cc range, depending on the application, power this workhorse.
This Triplex hauls quietly, effortlessly and evenly, there are no clumps of leads trying to catch up to the corkline because the Powergrip has been down. The purseline comes even with the net.
Introducing it to the USA was a challenge! The west coast fisheries are different from most around the world, it was the 3rd modification and trial attempt before we got it right. This year in Alaska it was everything the captain hoped for. He will use a larger model next in the squid fishery this winter, if the squid show up.
The Triplex comes in 3 basic options
The ‘Fixed’ model. It has 3 hanging placement options for adjusting the tilt angle, each affecting the speed of the corkline vs the leadline.
In addition to the 3 ‘fixed’ hanging point the ‘Tilt’ model allows for hydraulically lowering or raising the angle of the 3 rollers to control the speed of the corkline vs the leadline.
The ‘Articulated Tilt’ model which has the additional opion of hydraulically lowering or raising the 2 outer rollers to allow for hauling the netting without the lines.
Watch videos of Triplex in action:
Recommended operating Pressure
PSI 2600 to 2900
Bar 180 to 200
Recommended oil flow
12 to 15 GPM
45 to 50 Ltr/Min
Triplex 23,
Weight approx 463lbs / 210Kg
Triplex 33
Weight approx 550lbs / 250kg
Triplex 33T, with Tilt
Weight approx 584lbs / 265kg
Triplex 33TA With Tilt and Articulation
Weight approx 618lbs / 280kg
T43T, with Tilt
Weight approx 893lbs / 405kg
T43TA, With Tilt and Articulation
Weight approx 948lbs / 430kg
Please get in touch.
Net Stacker